Monday, September 26, 2011

A Shocking Development

This strange shark-like creature is not a sting ray.  However, it is a close relation.  Commonly known as the electric or torpedo ray, this species, instead of having a whip-like tail with a sting, has two organs behind its eyes that generate electrical shocks powerful enough to recharge a rechargeable battery.  This particular species can most likely generate 30 - 50 volts of electricity.  This allows it to stun fish and hunt invertebrates beneath the sand.

I found this young specimen by asking a couple what they were looking at in the water.  They had mistakenly identified it as a small stingray.  However, I knew what it was because of a "shocking" experience we had had with several hundred of these a few years ago, some much larger than this one.  My family and I discovered them by accidentally stepping on a few of them while they were hiding beneath the sand.  I was shocked several times in quick succession by a ray four or five times larger than this one.  It wasn't exactly painful but it certainly made me jump.  However, this one seemed fairly relaxed in the tidepool I had placed him in because he only gave me one small shock. 

For any new followers who wish to join, I am hoping to start a small environmental organization in the next few months.  Please add yourself to the followers to be included.  More information on this later.

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