On Oct 20, my family and I went to Dauphin Island, AL, and had a wonderful picnic lunch at a friend's house. Afterwards, we went walking on the beach and met a man fishing for redfish in the lagoon. At one point, we noticed he had something on his line, and we assumed it was a very large fish by the rate of the line that was exiting his reel. As he pulled it in we noticed that it was in fact a sea turtle. My dad and I went into the water and restrained it so that it wouldn't hurt itself any further on the hook.

We took it to the beach and held it until the fisherman had worked the hook free of its beak.
(Thankfully for all parties, the turtle had not swallowed the hook, which would have resulted in some risky surgery for the turtle).
We admired the turtle for a moment, and took some photos, and then returned it to its watery home. It swam off without any noticeable problems. (Hooray!)
After its release, we determined that it was a young loggerhead turtle, the most common sea turtle variety (though still endangered) in Alabama.